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Interior Design Concepts

project text
library plan for example
library reading area
library reading area
library reading area
library reading area
office plan for example
office zone
office zone
office zone
shapes examples
(Final Project, 4th Year, Semester B)
Inspired by current trends in creative work spaces, I designed a personal modular workspace meant to adhere to various offices and types of occupations. 
This model is meant to enable the freedom to design a company's office interior with options for both open and closed individual work spaces. In corresponcence that serve as with the physical structure of the modular workspace, I created a collection of patterns meant to inspire creative flow, printed on fabrics that serve at the modular's dividers. 
"Workzone" allows for an individual to build their completely unique and inspiring personal workspace inside their company's open office layout. Visual and structural inspiration for
"Workzone" came from an extensive personal study on coral reefs and their inner workings. 
Patterns created for "Workzone" can be found HERE, being sold on a wide arrange of items.
facade illustration
facade A
facade B
section Isometry
plan A
plan B
plan C
roof plan
section AA
section BB
section CC
kitchen illustration
stairs illustration
studio illustration
"Live in Artist Residence"
(4th Year, Semester A)
Interior and exterior design plan for a live and work artist space for a ceramic artist and jeweler. The project focused on an industrial warehouse space in south Tel Aviv in which the original structure and materials of the building are as much of a main feature in the design as the new elements introduced for the studio residence. 
Inspiration for the interior design was based on the space mirroring a living organism. Built within the original warehouse space, the design is made up of winding stairs, studios, bedrooms and common areas connected in a single fluid, sprawling structure.
Mulha-Rampa//street ATR gallery
Mulha-Rampa//street ATR gallery
Mulha-Rampa//street ATR gallery
Mulha-Rampa//street ATR gallery
Mulha-Rampa//street ATR gallery
Mulha-Rampa//street ATR gallery
Mulha-Rampa//street ATR gallery
Mulha-Rampa//street ATR gallery
Mulha-Rampa//street ATR gallery
"Street Art Gallery"
(3rd Year, Semester B)
Inspired by the thriving street art community of  Florentin, Tel Aviv in which I lived for four years. The design is that of an art gallery with "no rules" in which street artists can create their art on the floors, walls and ceilings.
The idea focuses on creating a bright, colorful center in the heart of the mostly grey, disheveled industrial warehouse area in south Tel Aviv where many artists rent studio spaces. The design includes a new entrance to the building, meant to inspire creative flow and interest. The gallery itself exists on the second floor while the third floor is reserved for rental studio spaces for the artists.
Alternative Labrary
Alternative Labrary
Alternative Labrary
Alternative Labrary
Alternative Labrary
Alternative Labrary
Alternative Labrary
Alternative Labrary
Alternative Labrary
Alternative Labrary
Alternative Labrary
Alternative Labrary
Alternative Labrary
Alternative Labrary
"Alternative Library"
(3rd Year, Semester A)​

Inspired by an assignment focused on the idea of 'equality', I was given a specific elementary school in Bat Yam in which to create a creative space. I chose to focus on the back entrance of the school connected to the Library with the intention to open the library space into a more inviting, open design. A layout in which all who enter and exit the building are in fact experiencing the library, instead of making it a rare destination
The "Alternative Library" has specific rules of operation: the children are the librarians. Inside the library are eight completely different mobile carts, each focused on a unique category. Instead of books organized in traditional rows on a shelf in traditional genres, the students chose where the books will live, based on how they felt about the book. For example, "Books I would read again," "Books that inspired me," "Books that made me bored," etc 
Between the existing library to the "Alternative Library," I designed a wall of various sized wooden crates used for sitting, storing, and getting creative 

Rehearsal Room
Rehearsal Room
Rehearsal Room
Rehearsal Room
Rehearsal Room
Rehearsal Room
Rehearsal Room
Rehearsal Room
Rehearsal Room
Rehearsal Room
Rehearsal Room
Rehearsal Room
Rehearsal Room
"Rehearsal Space"
(2nd Year, Semester B) 
Inspired by an assignment to create a multi-functioning pop-up space that can open and close, located in an .industrial area of Holon
Influenced by the musicians in my life, I challenged myself to design a rehearsal room by day which opens into a live show room by . night
The room sits on an elevator rig which is closed during the day. At night, the room is lowered and opens up to an open underground patio area
The concept of this project revolves around the need for a rehearsal space to be private and disconnected from the outside world with shows being open and inviting to all
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